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Please see attached "Visitor fact sheet."


Caregiving Basics For Family Caregivers

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Statistics show that many US citizens coping with illnesses, disabilities, and chronic conditions depend on family members, neighbors, or friends to get by. Caregiving is an important part of our lives and a recent study reveals that an estimated thirty-four million people have served as unpaid caregivers in the last year. Among many other things, family caregivers should learn to manage medications, talk to healthcare providers on their behalf, help them bathe or get dressed and take care of household tasks, meal preparation, finances, and more. As a senior care facility, we share a guide to help you prepare for managing the daily activities of a senior who is unable to care for himself or herself. Professional Vs. Family Care When faced with the duty of caring for someone else, your initial thought can be, “I’ll handle it myself.” However, going the DIY route has a number of personal sacrifices and financial dangers, like missed payments if you completely leave the workforce as well as reduced pension and Social Security benefits. But, you might not be in a situation to opt for professional caregiving as it can be extremely expensive. Are You Prepared To Provide Care? Nobody will blame you if you’re not ready to be a caretaker since the majority of Americans aren’t. Many people are unpreparedly put into this duty, which leaves them feeling overwhelmed. It pays to consider your alternatives for providing care and make plans for possible scenarios. If you are thinking about working as a […]

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Healthy Eating Tips To Overcome Challenges Of Dementia

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If your senior loved one is suffering from dementia disorders, you should be concerned about the nutritional intake of the person. This is because getting proper nutrition is very much important to maintaining proper health. Also, a deficiency of nutrients can lead to fatigue and other symptoms that can impact the overall health and well being of your senior loved one. But, people suffering from dementia disorders can face challenges with eating, such as difficulty swallowing, which can make it harder for caregivers to ensure proper intake of nutrients. Dehydration is one of the biggest issues faced by people suffering from dementia disorders. In the opinion of dementia care experts, people suffering from Alzheimer’s and other dementia disorders might not be able to recognize that they are thirsty, or may simply forget to drink water. This can result in dehydration which can lead to headaches, confusion and other issues like urinary tract infection, constipation, etc, which can worsen the symptoms of dementia disorders. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your senior loved one can easily access water whenever needed. It is also a good idea to keep a pitcher of water neat to their chair or bed. Another common concern for seniors suffering from dementia disorders is the loss of weight. Alzheimer’s care experts opine that the following dementia-related challenges and symptoms can contribute to the loss of weight.  Difficulty understanding that they are hungry  Lack of appetite  Fatigue  Difficulty in preparing meals  Reduced […]

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In-Home Safety Tips For Dementia Patients

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If your senior loved one is suffering from dementia disorder, in-home safety should be of top priority, whether the person lives alone, with other family members or with a caregiver. The first thing to ensure safety is to verify that the person knows what to do in case of an emergency. If they are unsure of what to do, you will have to develop a plan together, including an escape plan that your senior loved one can easily navigate. In addition, ensure that all fire and smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are working properly and have new batteries. Make clear and easily readable guides with basic steps and emergency numbers and post them in readily visible areas, including near phones. However, there are many other precautions beyond emergency planning that can ensure the safety of your senior loved one. Experts in dementia care and senior care share some precautions to improve the safety of the home. Remove Potentially Dangerous Things You need to remove all potentially dangerous machines, tools and utensils to ensure the safety of your senior loved one suffering from dementia disorders. Some of the possible objects to secure are guns and ammunition, sharp objects like knives and blades, and even kitchen appliances. Make sure to carefully monitor the ability of your senior loved one to use these items. Monitor Alcohol And Medication Use Most people suffering from dementia disorders will be able to manage simple medication regimens in the starting stages of the disease. As dementia […]

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Montour Falls,
New York 14865